Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Building a Fence for Privacy

Living in the city has its advantages of course but you have to deal with neighbors. One great method to keep good relations with a neighbor is to have a fence between your yards when it comes to living in a tight neighborhood. This is true in most cases. However, there are times when you can have big problems by building a fence, and this was something I witnessed first hand. It wasn't my yard, as I was a renter, but it did affect my life because I lived in the house in question.
My proprietor decided that it was a good idea to build a fence between his property and the property of the guy who lived next to us. Even though Robert was a good person he always wanted to complain to our landlord about something. He was particular about his yard, and it seems that we just could not live up to his standards. My landlord thought that if he constructed a fence he couldn't see into the yard all of the time and he would bring an end to his complaining. The fence might have also given our family with some privacy. My brother liked to come by and use my yard to sunbathe and Robert always seemed to find urgent things to do in his back yard when this happened.
When it came down to it, building a fence became a huge ordeal. Even though Robert did never liked what was happening in our yard, he was not in favor of the building of the fence. Too bad for Robert, whether he wanted it or not the fence was going up. As I never really spent much time out there, it did not matter to me either way. The most important problems that Robert seemed to have with us was that we just mowed the lawn once a week, and at times we didn't use a weed-eater around the edges. Building a fence seemed like a sane idea to everyone but Robert.
My landlord brought in someone to go about building a fence for the property and Robert had a fit. He was persuaded that the fence would pass onto his property and would be going right through his tree. My proprietor asked got the property records and had the limits between the properties studied to be certain he will not build a fence on Robert's property. Robert fought every step and managed to delay things for quite some time. I don't even know what happened next since I moved out a few months after and left the region completely. If it wasn't such a long trip I would be tempted to go have a look and see if the fence ever was erected or if Robert had gotten his way.
Paul Cibra is an Internet enthusiast and really enjoys sharing his passion with you the reader. Discover more now about Home Improvements and regarding Building a Fence Tips at his website
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